Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to win in Checkers

I really enjoyed playing checkers when I was a kid. I may soon play my favorite online games like checkers, dominoes, wheel of fortune, and family feud (not regularly).

Friday, July 29, 2016

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition Walkthrough / Gameplay Part 1 Episode 1 L...

I remember playing this Computer game back in 2000 at my mom's African customer's house (my mom used to do her hair) out in North Haven, CT (quiet suburb of New Haven). Anyway, the African customer's son was a beast (dominated the game) at Duke Nukem. For those who remember this classic PC game will never forget how great it was when it first game out.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wheel of Fortune 1998 PC Game #1 (Part 2)

Wheel of Fortune is one of my favorite PC games. I grew up watching this TV show & always wanted to go on Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune is a fun PC game.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sim City 2000 (1994) [PC Longplay]

I remember this PC game back when I was a senior in high school. Sim City was a lot of fun. This is a classic PC game. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Original Game Boy and Games!

The original Game Boy came out in 1989. Game Boy is Nintendo hand held video game system that kids who were little used to play. I traded my Super Nintendo video game system and my video games for a Game Boy and some video games back in 1998. I've had my Game Boy for 18 years now & I know I have not played this game in 16 years. Grown-ups like playing hand held video games too. I am actually writing to say that I plan on given my Game Boy away. I want to be a blessing to someone who don't have a hand held game and who want one. I will also be given away the 8 video games along with my Game Boy. The original Game Boy requires 4 AA batteries & I will also give away my Game Boy cleaner. I want whoever get my Game Boy to enjoy it!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sega Dreamcast - Sixth VideoGame Generation Recap - Adam Koralik

Sega Dreamcast came out in 1998 & 1999. I remember playing the video game NBA 2K & NFL 2K on someone else's Sega Dreamcast 14 years ago.  For those of you who are old skool and new skool gamers heard of this video game system. This video game system was really popular back then. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Launch of the Sega Saturn (1995)

Sega Saturn came out in 1995. I never owned this video game system. The old skool & new skool gamers might remember this video game system or hearing about this video game system.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Nintendo 64 - Fifth VideoGame Generation Recap - Adam Koralik

Nintendo 64 came out in 1996. I never owned this video game system. I was 18 and really didn't think about trying to get anymore new systems. I would play other people's video game systems like Nintendo 64 whenever I was over a friend or friends' house. For all of those who are old skool and new skool gamers might remember hearing about Nintendo 64.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Classic Game Room - ATARI JAGUAR console review!

Atari Jaguar came out in 1993. Another video game system I never owned was an 64 bit Atari Jaguar. I remember back in high school a student was trying to sell his Atari Jaguar and games because he wanted a Sega Genesis. Every one told him that they couldn't help him. Atari was probably one of the least popular if not the least popular video game system & no one wanted to get one. For those who old skool or new skool gamers might remember Atari or might have been one of those gamers that never had interest in owning an Atari video game system.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sega Genesis Unboxing

Sega Genesis came out in 1988, 1989, and 1990. I never owned this video game system but like Super Nintendo Sega Genesis was a 16 bit. "Say It!" "Sega!" How can I forget that commercial about this video game system, lol. For all of the old skool & new skool gamers this was a classic video game system too.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Unboxing! SNES

Super Nintendo was out in 1990, 1991, and 1992. I had this video game system in 1994. When I was in high school people used to talk about the different video game system. For the old skool & new skool gamers Super Nintendo was a 16 bit (better version of Regular Nintendo). I used to enjoy playing this video game system when I was a teenager. Super Nintendo is another classic video game system.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

UnBoxing - Free Box of NES Stuff (Original Nintendo) - Adam Koralik

Original Nintendo is the video game system that came out in 1985. I was 7 then I didn't own one of these until 1991. This original video game system was fun back in the days. For all the old skool and new skool gamers Original Nintendo is another classic video game system.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Original Atari 2600 Unboxing: fully packaged system

I never had Atari when it came out but it's a classic video game system for those who are old skool and new skool gamers. This video game system came out in 1977 (a year before I was born).

Monday, June 6, 2016

FuncoLand - More Games More Fun TV Commercial (1993)

FuncoLand was a game store that people who traded their video game system & game cartridges at that time Atari, Regular Nintendo, Regular Game boy were out and people were trying to get Super Nintendo, Atari Jaguar Sega Game gear, and Sega Genesis and cartridges.